Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy 👍

“We,” “our” and “us” refer to Solutions4UNow. “You” and “your” refer to end-users of this site.

End User Licence Agreement

If you have accepted an end user licence agreement, the end user licence agreement governs your use of the executable program on your personal computer and associated networks. This privacy policy applies to your use of this website.

Data We Collect

We do not collect personal financial data and financial transactions are completed through a CPI compliant merchant. We maintain your contact information, and information necessary to respond to your inquiries to our company, if any are made.

Correcting data

You may correct data related to you by sending a request to: Please provide us with:

Your contact details
The information that we have on file
Your requested corrections

We do not share data except in response to legal process

We do not share your data with third parties for marketing purposes or other reasons. In the event that we receive a legal order, such as a subpoena, we may be required by law to provide information consistent with applicable laws.

Cookies and how we use them

This policy details how we use cookies and cookie-like files and technologies on its websites, e.g. Local Shared Objects, also known as “Flash cookies”, web beacons etc. We refer to these generically as “cookies”. If you visit our websites and your browser settings accept cookies, we consider this as acceptance of our use of cookies.

What are cookies and how do they work?

Cookies are small files that are sent to and stored in your computer by the websites you visit. Cookies are stored in your browser’s file directory. Next time you visit the site, your browser will read the cookie and relay the information back to the website or element that originally set the cookie. To learn more about these technologies and how they work, please see e.g.

How do we manage cookies on our websites

We use cookies and similar tools across our websites to improve their performance and enhance your user experience. This policy explains how we do that.

Generally, our cookies perform up to four different functions:

1. Essential cookies
Some cookies are essential for the operation of our website. For example, some cookies allow us to identify subscribers and ensure they can access the subscription only pages. If a subscriber opts to disable these cookies, the user will not be able to access all of the content that a subscription entitles them to.

2.Performance Cookies
We utilise other cookies to analyse how our visitors use our websites and to monitor website performance. This allows us to provide a high quality experience by customising our offering and quickly identifying and fixing any issues that arise. For example, we might use performance cookies to keep track of which pages are most popular, which method of linking between pages is most effective, and to determine why some pages are receiving error messages. We might also use these cookies to highlight articles or site services that we think will be of interest to you based on your usage of the website.

3.Functionality Cookies
We use functionality cookies to allow us to remember your preferences. For example, cookies save you the trouble of typing in your username every time you access the site, and recall your customization preferences, such as which regional edition of the website you want to see when you log in.

We also use functionality cookies to provide you with enhanced services such as allowing you to watch a video online or comment on a blog.

Can a website user block cookies?

As we’ve explained above, cookies help you to get the most out of our websites.

How can I manage cookies?

You can review the options available to manage cookies in your browser. The browser can be used to manage cookies relating to basic functions, site improvement and personalization. Different browsers use different ways to disable cookies, but they are usually found under a Tools or Options menu. You can also consult the browser’s help menu. In addition to cookie management, browsers usually let you control files similar to cookies, for example Local Shared Objects, e.g. by enabling the browser’s privacy mode.

Please remember that if you do choose to disable cookies, you may find that certain sections of our website do not work properly

More Information

More detail on how businesses use cookies is available at

If you have any queries regarding this Cookie Policy please contact our Privacy Officer by e-mail at

How long do we keep the information?

It depends on the type of cookies. Session cookies expire when you close the browser. Persistent cookies, including Local Shared Objects (“Flash cookies”), have typical expiration dates ranging from two months up to a couple of years.


You are responsible to keep your password(s) secure, and you agree not to disclose your passwords to any third party. You are solely responsible for any activity that occurs under your user names and accounts, including any sub-accounts.. If you lose your password(s) or the encryption keys for any of your Company products or Services, the Company may not be able to assist you in recovering any associated data or information. You must notify the Company immediately of any suspected unauthorised use of your accounts or any other security breach related to the Services. If the Company determines that a security breach or suspected fraudulent activity has occurred or is likely to occur on your account, the Company may suspend your account until the applicable account activity has been verified.

DMCA Notice

If you believe that your intellectual property rights have been violated us or by a third party who has uploaded Content on our Site, please provide the following information to our designated copyright agent listed below:

A description of the copyrighted work or other intellectual property that you claim has been infringed;
A description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the Site;
An address, a telephone number, and an e-mail address where we. can contact you and, if different, an e-mail address where the alleged infringing party, if not we can contact you;
A statement that you have a good-faith belief that the use is not authorised by the copyright or other intellectual property rights owner, by its agent, or by law;
A statement by you under penalty of perjury that the information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright or intellectual property owner or are authorised to act on the owner’s behalf;
Your electronic or physical signature.
We may request additional information before removing any infringing material. We may provide the alleged infringing party with your e-mail address so that that person can respond to your allegations.

If you believe your copyright material is being used on this Site without permission, please notify the designated agent at:

Dispute resolution

Any disputes arising out of, or concerning the relationship between us and you will be submitted to binding arbitration under the rules for commercial arbitration of the American Arbitration Association, with any hearing to be held in New York, NY. Any action brought against us will be by the Customer in its individual capacity, and not as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class or representative proceeding.


We may update the terms of the EULA upon 7 days notice by notification through the home page of the site or other means. If you do not agree to updated terms, this licence is terminated Your approval will be deemed if you do not object.

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